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A Step Closer To Reality: Closed Loop Dynamic Registration Correction in SAR

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Naik, H., Tombari, F., Resch, C., Keitler, P., & Navab, N. (2015). A Step Closer To Reality: Closed Loop Dynamic Registration Correction in SAR. In C. {Sandor, R. Lindeman, W. Mayol-Cuevas, N. Sakata, R. Newcombe, & V. Teichrieb (Eds.), 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MIXED AND AUGMENTED REALITY (pp. 112-115).

In Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) applications, real world objects are
augmented with virtual content by means of a calibrated camera-projector
system. A computer generated model (CAD) of the real object is used to
plan the positions where the virtual content is to be projected. It is
often the case that the real object deviates from its CAD model, this
resulting in misregistered augmentations. We propose a new method to
dynamically correct the planned augmentation by accommodating for the
unknown deviations in the object geometry. We use a closed loop approach
where the projected features are detected in the camera image and
deployed as feedback. As a result, the registration misalignment is
identified and the augmentations are corrected in the areas affected by
the deviation. Our work is especially focused on SAR applications
related to the industrial domain, where this problem is omnipresent. We
show that our method is effective and beneficial for multiple industrial