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A collaborative resource platform for non-human primate neuroimaging


Heuer,  Katja
Department Neuropsychology, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Margulies,  Daniel S.
Department Neurology, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society;

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Messinger, A., Sirmpilatze, N., Heuer, K., Loh, K. K., Mars, R. B., Sein, J., et al. (2021). A collaborative resource platform for non-human primate neuroimaging. NeuroImage, 226: 117519. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117519.

Neuroimaging non-human primates (NHPs) is a growing, yet highly specialized field of neuroscience. Resources that were primarily developed for human neuroimaging often need to be significantly adapted for use with NHPs or other animals, which has led to an abundance of custom, in-house solutions. In recent years, the global NHP neuroimaging community has made significant efforts to transform the field towards more open and collaborative practices. Here we present the PRIMatE Resource Exchange (PRIME-RE), a new collaborative online platform for NHP neuroimaging. PRIME-RE is a dynamic community-driven hub for the exchange of practical knowledge, specialized analytical tools, and open data repositories, specifically related to NHP neuroimaging. PRIME-RE caters to both researchers and developers who are either new to the field, looking to stay abreast of the latest developments, or seeking to collaboratively advance the field.