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Photoaffinity labelling of the renal V2 vasopressin receptor. Identification and enrichment of a vasopressin-binding subunit


Fahrenholz,  Falk
Department of Physical Chemistry, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society;

Boer,  Reiner
Department of Physical Chemistry, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society;

Crause,  Peter
Department of Physical Chemistry, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society;

Toth,  Mihály V.
Department of Physical Chemistry, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society;

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Fahrenholz, F., Boer, R., Crause, P., & Toth, M. V. (1985). Photoaffinity labelling of the renal V2 vasopressin receptor. Identification and enrichment of a vasopressin-binding subunit. European Journal of Biochemistry, 152(3), 589-595. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1985.tb09236.x.

To identify renal vasopressin receptor proteins, analogues of 1-deamino-vasopressin i.e. ([1-(2-mercapto)propionic acid]vasopressin, [Mpa1]VP) with photoreactive aryl-azido groups in position 4 and 8 of the vasopressin sequence were prepared. In the absence of ultraviolet light, these ligands exhibit a high binding affinity for the V2 vasopressin receptor in plasma membranes from bovine and rat kidney medulla (apparent dissociation constants 1.8 X 10-9 M to 1.7 X 10-8M); the photoreactive analogues stimulate the renal vasopressin-sensitive adenylate cyclase. In photoaffinity labelling experiments with tritium-labelled ligands (34-50 Ci/mmol), a membrane protein from bovine kidney or rat kidney medulla with an apparent relative molecular mass (Mr) of 30 000 was preferentially and specifically labelled. The labelling of the 30 000-Mr protein was completely inhibited by a 10-100-fold molar excess of vasopressin; in contrast, angiotensin II, bradykinin or low-affinity analogues of vasopressin did not suppress the incorporation of the reactive ligands into this protein. The highest specific labelling yield and only a low amount of unspecific labelling was obtained with the analogue [Mpa1,Lys(N6-4-azidobenzoyl)8]VP. Preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of bovine kidney membranes photolabelled with this analogue resulted in a 20-30-fold enrichment of the 30 000-Mr vasopressin-binding protein. Our results suggest that this photoreactive analogue of [1-deamino, 8-lysine]vasopressin is a suitable tool for further purification of the renal V2 vasopressin receptor binding subunit.