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Journal Article

Constraints on the Emission of Gamma-Rays from M31 with HAWC


Jardin-Blicq,  A.
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Joshi,  V.
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Albert, A., Alfaro, R., Alvarez, C., Arteaga-Velazquez, J. C., Arunbabu, K. P., Avila Rojas, D., et al. (2020). Constraints on the Emission of Gamma-Rays from M31 with HAWC. Astrophysical Journal, 893(1): 16. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab7999.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0008-2137-5
Cosmic rays, along with stellar radiation and magnetic fields, are known to make up a significant fraction of the energy density of galaxies such as the Milky Way. When cosmic rays interact in the interstellar medium, they produce gamma-ray emission which provides an important indication of how the cosmic rays propagate. Gamma-rays from the Andromeda galaxy (M31), located 785 kpc away, provide a unique opportunity to study cosmic-ray acceleration and diffusion in a galaxy with a structure and evolution very similar to the Milky Way. Using 33 months of data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory, we search for teraelectronvolt gamma-rays from the galactic plane of M31. We also investigate past and present evidence of galactic activity in M31 by searching for Fermi bubble-like structures above and below the galactic nucleus. No significant gamma-ray emission is observed, so we use the null result to compute upper limits on the energy density of cosmic rays >10 TeV in M31.