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Electron-phonon coupling in single-layer MoS2


Mertig,  Ingrid
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Mahatha, S. K., Ngankeu, A. S., Hinsche, N. F., Mertig, I., Guilloy, K., Matzen, P. L., et al. (2019). Electron-phonon coupling in single-layer MoS2. Surface Science, 681, 64-69. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2018.11.012.

The electron-phonon coupling strength in the spin-split valence band maximum of single-layer MoS2 is studied using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory-based calculations. Values of the electron-phonon coupling parameter λ are obtained by measuring the linewidth of the spin-split bands as a function of temperature and fitting the data points using a Debye model. The experimental values of λ for the upper and lower spin-split bands at K are found to be 0.05 and 0.32, respectively, in excellent agreement with the calculated values for a free-standing single-layer MoS2. The results are discussed in the context of spin and phase-space restricted scattering channels, as reported earlier for single-layer WS2 on Au(111). The fact that the absolute valence band maximum in single-layer MoS2 at K is almost degenerate with the local valence band maximum at Γ can potentially be used to tune the strength of the electron-phonon interaction in this material.