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Refining pairwise sequence alignments of membrane proteins by the incorporation of anchors


Stamm,  Marcus
Max Planck Research Group of Computational Structural Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max Planck Society;

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Staritzbichler, R., Sarti, E., Yaklich, E., Aleksandrova, A., Stamm, M., Khafizov, K., et al. (2021). Refining pairwise sequence alignments of membrane proteins by the incorporation of anchors. plos one, 16(4): e0239881. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239881.

The alignment of primary sequences is a fundamental step in the analysis of protein structure, function, and evolution, and in the generation of homology-based models. Integral membrane proteins pose a significant challenge for such sequence alignment approaches, because their evolutionary relationships can be very remote, and because a high content of hydrophobic amino acids reduces their complexity. Frequently, biochemical or biophysical data is available that informs the optimum alignment, for example, indicating specific positions that share common functional or structural roles. Currently, if those positions are not correctly matched by a standard pairwise sequence alignment procedure, the incorporation of such information into the alignment is typically addressed in an ad hoc manner, with manual adjustments. However, such modifications are problematic because they reduce the robustness and reproducibility of the aligned regions either side of the newly matched positions. Previous studies have introduced restraints as a means to impose the matching of positions during sequence alignments, originally in the context of genome assembly. Here we introduce position restraints, or "anchors" as a feature in our alignment tool AlignMe, providing an aid to pairwise global sequence alignment of alpha-helical membrane proteins. Applying this approach to realistic scenarios involving distantly-related and low complexity sequences, we illustrate how the addition of anchors can be used to modify alignments, while still maintaining the reproducibility and rigor of the rest of the alignment. Anchored alignments can be generated using the online version of AlignMe available at