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With a Little Help from My Friends: The Central Role of Photorespiration and Related Metabolic Processes in the Acclimation and Adaptation of Plants to Oxygen and to Low-CO2 Stress


Fernie,  A. R.
Central Metabolism, Department Willmitzer, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;

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Bauwe, H., & Fernie, A. R. (2021). With a Little Help from My Friends: The Central Role of Photorespiration and Related Metabolic Processes in the Acclimation and Adaptation of Plants to Oxygen and to Low-CO2 Stress. In K. M. Becklin, J. K. Ward, & D. A. Way (Eds.), Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Climate Change (pp. 355-385). Cham: Springer.

The photorespiratory repair pathway (photorespirationPhotorespiration) is a supplement to the Calvin-Benson cycleCalvin-Benson cycle that allows photosynthetic fixation of CO2 to be based on the photochemical splitting of waterWaters, that is, in the presence of oxygen. PhotorespirationPhotorespiration is necessary because oxygen can replace CO2 at the CO2 fixation enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RubiscoRubisco) and oxidize the CO2 acceptor molecule ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), generating the powerful enzyme inhibitor 2-phosphoglycolate (2PG). 2PG must be removed because its accumulation would block operation of the Calvin-Benson cycleCalvin-Benson cycle and in turn halt photosynthesisPhotosynthesis. Photorespiratory removal and detoxification of 2PG occurs by recycling to 3-phosphoglycerate which can be used to generate fresh RuBP. This repair process efficiently recovers three out of four misdirected carbon atoms while one carbon is oxidized and lost as CO2.