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The fundamental phonological unit of Japanese word production: An EEG study using the picture-word interference paradigm

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Verdonschot, R. G., Tokimoto, S., & Miyaoka, Y. (2019). The fundamental phonological unit of Japanese word production: An EEG study using the picture-word interference paradigm. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 51, 184-193. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling.2019.02.004.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0008-DA32-A
It has been shown that in Germanic languages (e.g. English, Dutch) phonemes are the primary (or proximate) planning units during the early stages of phonological encoding. Contrastingly, in Chinese and Japanese the phoneme does not seem to play an important role but rather the syllable (Chinese) and mora (Japanese) are essential. However, despite the lack of behavioral evidence, neurocorrelational studies in Chinese suggested that electrophysiological brain responses (i.e. preceding overt responses) may indicate some significance for the phoneme. We investigated this matter in Japanese and our data shows that unlike in Chinese (for which the literature shows mixed effects), in Japanese both the behavioral and neurocorrelational data indicate an important role only for the mora (and not the phoneme) during the early stages of phonological encoding.