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Review Article

Functional ultrasound brain imaging: Bridging networks, neurons, and behavior


Edelman,  Bradley Jay
Max Planck Research Group: Brain-Wide Circuits for Behavior / Macé, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society;


Macé,  Emilie
Max Planck Research Group: Brain-Wide Circuits for Behavior / Macé, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society;

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Edelman, B. J., & Macé, E. (2021). Functional ultrasound brain imaging: Bridging networks, neurons, and behavior. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, 18: 100286.

Functional ultrasound (fUS) is an emerging neuroimaging tool capable of measuring brain-wide vascular signals linked to neuronal activity with high spatial-temporal resolution in real time. In this review, we first describe recent technical advancements in fUS and then summarize how this technology has been applied to various neuroscience fields. Among the various research threads involving fUS, we emphasize how promising this technique is for systems neuroscience, as fUS enables whole-brain recordings in behaving mice. This approach is also compatible with the simultaneous modulation and recording of specific neuronal populations and paves the way for dissecting brain mechanisms at the brain-wide network level. Finally, we identify key challenges, including movement artifacts and hardware limitations that must be overcome to allow fUS to reach its full potential in the years to come.