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Fractional boundary charges with quantized slopes in interacting one- and two-dimensional systems


Kennes,  D. M.
Institut für Theorie der Statistischen Physik, RWTH Aachen, and JARA—Fundamentals of Future Information Technology;
Theory Group, Theory Department, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Max Planck Society;
Center for Free Electron Laser Science;

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Laubscher, K., Weber, C. S., Kennes, D. M., Pletyukhov, M., Schoeller, H., Loss, D., et al. (2021). Fractional boundary charges with quantized slopes in interacting one- and two-dimensional systems. Physical Review B, 104(3): 035432. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.104.035432.

We study fractional boundary charges (FBCs) for two classes of strongly interacting systems. First, we study strongly interacting nanowires subjected to a periodic potential with a period that is a rational fraction of the Fermi wavelength. For sufficiently strong interactions, the periodic potential leads to the opening of a charge density wave gap at the Fermi level. The FBC then depends linearly on the phase offset of the potential with a quantized slope determined by the period. Furthermore, different possible values for the FBC at a fixed phase offset label different degenerate ground states of the system that cannot be connected adiabatically. Next, we turn to the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) at odd filling factors ν=1/(2l+1), where l is an integer. For a Corbino disk threaded by an external flux, we find that the FBC depends linearly on the flux with a quantized slope that is determined by the filling factor. Again, the FBC has 2l+1 different branches that cannot be connected adiabatically, reflecting the (2l+1)-fold degeneracy of the ground state. These results allow for several promising and strikingly simple ways to probe strongly interacting phases via boundary charge measurements.