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Small scale patches of suspended matter and phytoplankton in the Elbe river estuary, German Bight and tidal flats


Grassl,  Hartmut
MPI for Meteorology, Max Planck Society;

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Doerffer, R., Fischer, J., Stössel, M., Brockmann, C., & Grassl, H. (1989). Small scale patches of suspended matter and phytoplankton in the Elbe river estuary, German Bight and tidal flats. Advances in Space Research, 9, 191-200. doi:10.1016/0273-1177(89)90485-7.

Thematic mapper and ship data has been used to study small scale features in coastal waters of the North Sea. Three independent pieces of information from all 7 TM channesl were found with factor analysis: suspended matter concentration, atmospheric scattering and sea surface temperature. Near surface suspended matter concentrations may be detected within a factor of 2. For the required atmospheric correction the signal-to-noise ratio of the channels 5 and 7 has to be improved by averaging over 25 × 25 pixels. Thus TM allows to monitor aerosol optical depth and aerosol type over cloudfree water surfaces. Sea surface temperature is retrievable with an absolute accuracy of 1.0K as long as radiosonde data are available for the correction of atmospheric effects, while relative temperature variations of 0.5K are detectable. The patchiness of suspended matter and its relation to underwater topography was analysed with auto- and crosscorrelation: horizontal lengths, where the suspended matter concentration of single pixels are significantly correlated either with each another or with water depth, are < 800m. © 1989.