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Closure of the entanglement gap at quantum criticality: The case of the quantum spherical model


Wald,  Sascha
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Max Planck Society;

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Wald, S., Arias, R., & Alba, V. (2020). Closure of the entanglement gap at quantum criticality: The case of the quantum spherical model. Physical Review Research, 2(4): 043404. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.043404.

The study of entanglement spectra is a powerful tool to detect or elucidate universal behavior in quantum many-body systems. We investigate the scaling of the entanglement (or Schmidt) gap delta xi, i.e., the lowest-laying gap of the entanglement spectrum, at a two-dimensional quantum critical point. We focus on the paradigmatic quantum spherical model, which exhibits a second-order transition and is mappable to free bosons with an additional external constraint. We analytically show that the Schmidt gap vanishes at the critical point, although only logarithmically. For a system on a torus and the half-system bipartition, the entanglement gap vanishes as pi(2)/ ln(L), with L the linear system size. The entanglement gap is nonzero in the paramagnetic phase and exhibits a faster decay in the ordered phase. The rescaled gap delta xi ln(L) exhibits a crossing for different system sizes at the transition, although logarithmic corrections prevent a precise verification of the finite-size scaling. Interestingly, the change of the entanglement gap across the phase diagram is reflected in the zero-mode eigenvector of the spin-spin correlator. At the transition quantum fluctuations give rise to a nontrivial structure of the eigenvector, whereas in the ordered phase it is flat. We also show that the vanishing of the entanglement gap at criticality can be qualitatively but not quantitatively captured by neglecting the structure of the zero-mode eigenvector.