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Crystal structure of a key enzyme for anaerobic ethane activation


Lemaire,  Olivier N.
Research Group Microbial Metabolism, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Max Planck Society;


Wegener,  Gunter
HGF MPG Joint Research Group for Deep Sea Ecology & Technology, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Max Planck Society;


Wagner,  Tristan
Research Group Microbial Metabolism, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Max Planck Society;

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Hahn, C. J., Lemaire, O. N., Kahnt, J., Engilberge, S., Wegener, G., & Wagner, T. (2021). Crystal structure of a key enzyme for anaerobic ethane activation. Science, 373(6550), 118-+. doi:10.1126/science.abg1765.

Ethane, the second most abundant hydrocarbon gas in the seafloor, is efficiently oxidized by anaerobic archaea in syntrophy with sulfate-reducing bacteria. Here, we report the 0.99-angstrom-resolution structure of the proposed ethane-activating enzyme and describe the specific traits that distinguish it from methane-generating and -consuming methyl-coenzyme M reductases. The widened catalytic chamber, harboring a dimethylated nickel-containing F-430 cofactor, would adapt the chemistry of methyl-coenzyme M reductases for a two-carbon substrate. A sulfur from methionine replaces the oxygen from a canonical glutamine as the nickel lower-axial ligand, a feature conserved in thermophilic ethanotrophs. Specific loop extensions, a four-helix bundle dilatation, and posttranslational methylations result in the formation of a 33-angstrom-long hydrophobic tunnel, which guides the ethane to the buried active site as confirmed with xenon pressurization experiments.