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Azimuthal variation of the step distribution on vicinal Si(001) surfaces


Wasserfall,  J.
Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Ranke,  Wolfgang
Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;

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Wasserfall, J., & Ranke, W. (1994). Azimuthal variation of the step distribution on vicinal Si(001) surfaces. Surface Science, 315(3), 227-236. doi:10.1016/0039-6028(94)90127-9.

The step structure and terrace distribution of Si(001) vicinal surfaces has been studied by profile analysis of the (00) spot and by measuring superstructure spot intensities using high-resolution LEED on a lens-shaped sample. In the [110] azimuth, the transition from single layer (S-) steps at low miscut angle y to double layer (D-) steps occurs continuously between about 2° and 6δ. Beyond 11°, (115) facets are admixed. While the surface in the range 5° ⩽ γ ⩽ 7.5° in all azimuths is built up by (001) terraces separated by steps, an increasing disorder of the edge pattern is deduced when leaving the [110] azimuth. In the range where the surface in the [110] azimuth is not yet single-domain (y = 5°), this decrease starts at a deviation of about ± 10° from the [110] azimuth, for y = 6° and 7.5°, the intensity decreases immediately. In the [100] azimuth, the existence of long-range ordered S-steps with broad terrace width distribution is deduced from the data.