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Journal Article

Probing early supermassive black hole growth and quasar evolution with near-infrared spectroscopy of 37 reionization-era quasars at 6.3 < z ≤ 7.64


Farina,  Emanuele P.
Cosmology, MPI for Astrophysics, Max Planck Society;

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Yang, J., Wang, F., Fan, X., Barth, A. J., Hennawi, J. F., Nanni, R., et al. (2021). Probing early supermassive black hole growth and quasar evolution with near-infrared spectroscopy of 37 reionization-era quasars at 6.3 < z ≤ 7.64. The Astrophysical Journal, 923(2): 262. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac2b32.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0009-CED7-D
We report the results of near-infrared spectroscopic observations of 37 quasars in the redshift range 6.3 < z ≤ 7.64, including 32 quasars at z > 6.5, forming the largest quasar near-infrared spectral sample at this redshift. The spectra, taken with Keck, Gemini, VLT, and Magellan, allow investigations of central black hole mass and quasar rest-frame ultraviolet spectral properties. The black hole masses derived from the Mg II emission lines are in the range (0.3–3.6) × 109 M, which requires massive seed black holes with masses ≳103–104 M, assuming Eddington accretion since z = 30. The Eddington ratio distribution peaks at λEdd ∼ 0.8 and has a mean of 1.08, suggesting high accretion rates for these quasars. The C IV–Mg II emission-line velocity differences in our sample show an increase of C IV blueshift toward higher redshift, but the evolutionary trend observed from this sample is weaker than the previous results from smaller samples at similar redshift. The Fe II/Mg II flux ratios derived for these quasars up to z = 7.6, compared with previous measurements at different redshifts, do not show any evidence of strong redshift evolution, suggesting metal-enriched environments in these quasars. Using this quasar sample, we create a quasar composite spectrum for z > 6.5 quasars and find no significant redshift evolution of quasar broad emission lines and continuum slope, except for a blueshift of the C IV line. Our sample yields a strong broad absorption line quasar fraction of ∼24%, higher than the fractions in lower-redshift quasar samples, although this could be affected by small sample statistics and selection effects.