Ten Oever, Sanne FC Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging , External Organizations; Language and Computation in Neural Systems, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Max Planck Society;
Kemmerer_etal_2022_Frequency specific transcranial neuromodulation of....pdf (Publisher version), 3MB
Kemmerer_etal_2022suppl_Frequency specific transcranial neuromodulation of....docx (Supplementary material), 2MB
Kemmerer, S. K., Sack, A. T., de Graaf, T. A., Ten Oever, S., De Weerd, P., & Schuhmann, T. (2022). Frequency-specific transcranial neuromodulation of alpha power alters visuospatial attention performance. Brain Research, 1782: 147834. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2022.147834.