Gollwitzer, Anton Center for Adaptive Rationality, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Max Planck Society;
https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/djhkp (Preprint)
https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.3055 (Publisher version)
https://osf.io/jf26k/?view_only=a6b1686c47ad470d9f9844eed31d0a29 (Research data)
https://osf.io/jf26k/?view_only=a6b1686c47ad470d9f9844eed31d0a29 (Code)
https://osf.io/jf26k/?view_only=a6b1686c47ad470d9f9844eed31d0a29 (Supplementary material)
Euro J Social Psych - 2024 - Gollwitzer - Parent and community political orientation predicts children s health behaviours.pdf (Publisher version), 2MB
ejsp3055-sup-0001-suppmat.docx (Supplementary material), 179KB
Gollwitzer, A., Marshall, J., Lee, Y.-e., Deutchman, P., Warneken, F., & McAuliffe, K. (2024). Parent and community political orientation predicts children’s health behaviours. European Journal of Social Psychology, 54(4), 843-858. doi:10.1002/ejsp.3055.