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Interpreting foreign smiles: language context and type of scale in the assessment of perceived happiness and sadness

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Frances, C., Pueyo, S., Anaya, V., & Dunabeitia Landaburu, J. A. (2020). Interpreting foreign smiles: language context and type of scale in the assessment of perceived happiness and sadness. Psicológica, 41, 21-38. doi:10.2478/psicolj-2020-0002.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000A-655E-C
The current study focuses on how different scales with varying demands can
affect our subjective assessments. We carried out 2 experiments in which we
asked participants to rate how happy or sad morphed images of faces looked.
The two extremes were the original happy and original sad faces with 4
morphs in between. We manipulated language of the task—namely, half of
the participants carried it out in their native language, Spanish, and the other
half in their foreign language, English—and type of scale. Within type of
scale, we compared verbal and brightness scales. We found that, while
language did not have an effect on the assessment, type of scale did. The
brightness scale led to overall higher ratings, i.e., assessing all faces as
somewhat happier. This provides a limitation on the foreign language effect,
as well as evidence for the influence of the cognitive demands of a scale on
emotionality assessments.