Plant-beneficial microorganisms are gaining importance for sustainable plant production and phytosanitary practices. Yet there is a lack of computational approaches targeting bacterial traits associated with plant growth-promotion (PGP), which hinders the in-silico identification, comparison, and selection of phytostimulatory bacterial strains. To address this problem, we have developed the new web resource PLaBAse (v1.01, http://plabase.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/pb/plabase.php), which provides a number of services, including (i) a database for screening 5,565 plant-associated bacteria (PLaBA-db), (ii) a tool for predicting plant growth-promoting traits (PGPTs) of single bacterial genomes (PGPT-Pred), and (iii) a tool for the prediction of bacterial plant-association by marker gene identification (PIFAR-Pred). The latter was developed by Martínez-García et al. and is now hosted at University of Tuebingen. The PGPT-Pred tool is based on our new PGPT ontology, a literature- and OMICs-curated, comprehensive, and hierarchical collection of ∼6,900 PGPTs that are associated with 6,965,955 protein sequences. To study the distribution of the PGPTs across different environments, we applied it to 70,540 bacterial strains associated with (i) seven different environments (including plants), (iii) five different plant spheres (organs), and (iii) two bacteria-induced plant phenotypes. This analysis revealed that plant-symbiotic bacteria generally have a larger genome size and a higher count of PGPT-annotated protein encoding genes. Obviously, not all reported PGPTs are restricted to -or only enriched in-plant-associated and plant symbiotic bacteria. Some also occur in human- and animal-associated bacteria, perhaps due to the transmission of PGP bacteria (PGPBs) between environments, or because some functions are involved in adaption processes to various environments. Here we provide an easy-to-use approach for screening of PGPTs in bacterial genomes across various phyla and isolation sites, using PLaBA-db, and for standardized annotation, using PGPT-Pred. We believe that this resource will improve our understanding about the entire PGP processes and facilitate the prediction of PGPB as bio-inoculants and for biosafety strategies, so as to help to establish sustainable and targeted bacteria-incorporated plant production systems in the future.