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Role of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE transcription factors in a subset of cytokinin signaling responses


Collani,  S
Department Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Shanks, C., Hecker, A., Cheng, C.-Y., Brand, L., Collani, S., Schmid, M., et al. (2018). Role of BASIC PENTACYSTEINE transcription factors in a subset of cytokinin signaling responses. The Plant Journal, 95(3), 458-473. doi:10.1111/tpj.13962.

Cytokinin plays diverse roles in plant growth and development, generally acting by modulating gene transcription in target tissues. The type-B Arabidopsis response regulators (ARR) transcription factors have emerged as primary targets of cytokinin signaling and are required for essentially all cytokinin-mediated changes in gene expression. The diversity of cytokinin function is likely imparted by the activity of various transcription factors working with the type-B ARRs to alter specific sets of target genes. One potential set of co-regulators modulating the cytokinin response are the BARLEY B-RECOMBINANT/BASIC PENTACYSTEINE (BBR/BPC) family of plant-specific transcription factors. Here, we show that disruption of multiple BPCs results in reduced sensitivity to cytokinin. Further, the BPCs are necessary for the induction of a subset of genes in response to cytokinin. We identified direct in vivo targets of BPC6 using ChIP-Seq and found an enrichment of promoters of genes differentially expressed in response to cytokinin. Further, a significant number of BPC6 regulated genes are also direct targets of the type-B ARRs. Potential cis-binding elements for a number of other transcription factors linked to cytokinin action are enriched in the BPC binding fragments, including those for the cytokinin response factors (CRFs). In addition, several BPCs interact with a subset of type-A ARRs. Consistent with these results, a significant number of genes whose expression is altered in bpc mutant roots are also mis-expressed in crf1,3,5,6 and type-A arr3,4,5,6,7,8,9,15 mutant roots. These results suggest that the BPCs are part of a complex network of transcription factors that are involved in the response to cytokinin.