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Dual signaling of Wamide myoinhibitory peptides through a peptide-gated channel and a GPCR in Platynereis


Bauknecht,  P
Research Group Neurobiology of Marine Zooplankton, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Schmidt, A., Bauknecht, P., Williams, E., Augustinowski, K., Gründer, S., & Jékely, G. (2018). Dual signaling of Wamide myoinhibitory peptides through a peptide-gated channel and a GPCR in Platynereis. The FASEB Journal, 32(10), 5338-5349. doi:10.1096/fj.201800274R.

Neuropeptides commonly signal by metabotropic GPCRs. In some mollusks and cnidarians, RFamide neuropeptides mediate fast ionotropic signaling by peptide-gated ion channels that belong to the DEG/ENaC family. Here we describe a neuropeptide system with a dual mode of signaling by both a peptide-gated ion channel and a GPCR. We identified and characterized a peptide-gated channel in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii that is specifically activated by Wamide myoinhibitory peptides derived from the same proneuropeptide. The myoinhibitory peptide-gated ion channel (MGIC) belongs to the DEG/ENaC family and is paralogous to RFamide-gated ion channels. Platynereis myoinhibitory peptides also activate a previously described GPCR, MAG. We measured the potency of all Wamides on both MGIC and MAG and identified peptides that preferentially activate one or the other receptor. Analysis of a single-cell transcriptome resource indicates that MGIC and MAG signal in distinct target neurons. The identification of a Wamide-gated ion channel suggests that peptide-gated channels are more diverse and widespread in animals than previously appreciated. The possibility of neuropeptide signaling by both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors to different target cells in the same organism highlights an additional level of complexity in peptidergic signaling networks.-Schmidt, A., Bauknecht, P., Williams, E. A., Augustinowski, K., Gründer, S., Jékely, G. Dual signaling of Wamide myoinhibitory peptides through a peptide-gated channel and a GPCR in Platynereis.