Halper, Yehuda Max Planck Research Group Experience in the Premodern Sciences of Soul and Body ca. 800–1650, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society;
https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/oa-edit/10.4324/9781003258704-15/results-experience-premises-demonstrations-four-hundred-years-debate-single-line-maimonides-treatise-art-logic-yehuda-halper?context=ubx&refId=5c350d1e-189e-47bf-86d0-2c1dc3c68f10 (beliebiger Volltext)
10.4324_9781003258704-15_chapterpdf.pdf (Verlagsversion), 709KB
Halper, Y. (2022). Can the Results of Experience Be the Premises of Demonstrations? Four Hundred Years of Debate on a Single Line of Maimonides's Treatise on the Art of Logic. In K. Krause, M. Auxent, & D. Weil (Eds.), Premodern Experience of the Natural World in Translation (pp. 171-187). New York, NY: Routledge. doi:10.4324_9781003258704-15.