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Simultaneous Multicolor DNA-PAINT without Sequential Fluid Exchange Using Spectral Demixing


Strauss,  Sebastian
Jungmann, Ralf / Molecular Imaging and Bionanotechnology, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Max Planck Society;


Jungmann,  Ralf
Jungmann, Ralf / Molecular Imaging and Bionanotechnology, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Max Planck Society;

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Gimber, N., Strauss, S., Jungmann, R., & Schmoranzer, J. (2022). Simultaneous Multicolor DNA-PAINT without Sequential Fluid Exchange Using Spectral Demixing. Nano Letters, 22(7), 2682-2690. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04520.

Several variants of multicolor single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) have been developed to resolve the spatial relationship of nanoscale structures in biological samples. The oligonucleotide-based SMLM approach "DNA-PAINT" robustly achieves nanometer localization precision and can be used to count binding sites within nanostructures. However, multicolor DNA-PAINT has primarily been realized by "Exchange-PAINT", which requires sequential exchange of the imaging solution and thus leads to extended acquisition times. To alleviate the need for fluid exchange and to speed up the acquisition of current multichannel DNA-PAINT, we here present a novel approach that combines DNA-PAINT with simultaneous multicolor acquisition using spectral demixing (SD). By using newly designed probes and a novel multichannel registration procedure, we achieve simultaneous multicolor SD-DNA-PAINT with minimal crosstalk. We demonstrate high localization precision (3-6 nm) and multicolor registration of dual- and triple-color SD-DNA-PAINT by resolving patterns on DNA origami nanostructures and cellular structures.