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Shoot herbivory by grasshoppers has stronger effects on root morphology than clipping


Hoefgen,  R.
Amino Acid and Sulur Metabolism, Department Gutjahr, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;


Ogden,  M.
Amino Acid and Sulur Metabolism, Department Gutjahr, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;

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Heinze, J., Krumpholz, L., Blaum, N., Hoefgen, R., & Ogden, M. (2022). Shoot herbivory by grasshoppers has stronger effects on root morphology than clipping. Plant Ecology, 223, 1069-1078. doi:10.1007/s11258-022-01259-0.

Studies investigating the effect of aboveground herbivory on plants often use clipping to simulate the effects of herbivores, for practical reasons. However, herbivore movements and transfer of oral secretions during herbivory may cause a different response in plant physiology and morphology compared to clipping. While studies have compared effects of real herbivory vs. clipping on biomass production, plant physiology, and shoot morphology, no study has compared such effects on root morphology. Therefore, we investigated the effect of herbivory by grasshoppers, herbivory simulated by clipping, and no herbivory on root morphological traits of ten grassland plant species. Root morphological traits were differently affected by the two herbivory treatments. Grasshopper herbivory significantly changed root morphology toward thinner roots with increased specific root length and root area, and decreased root tissue density compared to untreated control plants. Clipping had mostly similar, but weaker effects on root morphology than grasshopper herbivory. On the species level, grasshopper herbivory led to strongest changes in root morphology in almost all cases. In contrast, depending on the species, clipping resulted in varying root morphological trait values similar to grasshopper-damaged plants, or in some cases, more closely aligned with control plants. Though clipping was partly able to mimic the effects of herbivory by grasshoppers, results also indicate that, depending on the species, grasshopper herbivory had different but mostly stronger effects. We, therefore, recommend that future studies apply herbivory with real herbivores to better reflect natural responses in plants and related processes that root morphological traits mediate.