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SiC pore surfaces: Surface studies of 4H-SiC(1-102) and 4H-SiC(-110-2)


Starke,  U.
Scientific Facility Interface Analysis (Ulrich Starke), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;


Lee,  W. Y.
Scientific Facility Interface Analysis (Ulrich Starke), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;


Coletti,  C.
Scientific Facility Interface Analysis (Ulrich Starke), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;

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Starke, U., Lee, W. Y., Coletti, C., Saddow, S. E., Devaty, R. P., & Choyke, W. J. (2006). SiC pore surfaces: Surface studies of 4H-SiC(1-102) and 4H-SiC(-110-2). Applied Physics Letters, 88(3): 031915.

The morphology and atomic structure of 4H-SiC(1 (1) over bar 02) and
4H-SiC((1) over bar 10 (2) over bar) surfaces, i.e., the surfaces found
in the triangular channels of porous 4H-SiC, have been investigated
using atomic force microscopy, low-energy electron diffraction (LEED),
and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). After hydrogen etching, the
surfaces show steps parallel and perpendicular to the c axis, yet
drastically different morphologies for the two isomorphic orientations.
Both surfaces immediately display a sharp LEED pattern. Together with
the presence of oxygen in the AES spectra, this indicates the
development of an ordered oxide. Both surfaces show an oxygen-free
well-ordered surface after Si deposition and annealing. (c) 2006
American Institute of Physics.(c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.