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Journal Article

Nd3+ crystal field excitations under magnetic field in La1.65Nd0.35CuO4


Sadowski,  M. L.
High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Former Departments, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;

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Jandl, S., Riou, G., Richard, P., Sadowski, M. L., Sutjahja, I. M., & Menovsky, A. A. (2004). Nd3+ crystal field excitations under magnetic field in La1.65Nd0.35CuO4. Physica C, 403(3), 151-156.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000E-FAB2-F
We report an infrared crystal field study, under magnetic field, of
Nd3+ ions in non-stoichiometric La1.65Nd0.35CuO4. Two sets of crystal
field excitations from the ground state multiplet I-4(9/2) to the
I-4(11/2) and I-4(13/2) excited multiplets are observed. They
correspond to Nd3+ ions located in two different sites. In charge free
regions, Nd3+ ion magnetic moments align parallel to the z-axis due to
the Nd3+-Cu2+ magnetic interaction. Such interaction is absent in
charge rich regions which leaves the corresponding Nd3+ ions in a
paramagnetic state. Validity of previous calculations of CF parameters,
that predict the Nd3+ electronic levels in the charge free regions as
well as magnetic susceptibility anisotropy, is confirmed. (C) 2003
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.