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Journal Article

DeBruyn and Casagrande manuscripts on tree shrew retinal ganglion cells as a basis for cross-species retina research


Sedigh-Sarvestani,  Madineh
Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, Max Planck Society;

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Norton, T. T., Savier, E. L., & Sedigh-Sarvestani, M. (2022). DeBruyn and Casagrande manuscripts on tree shrew retinal ganglion cells as a basis for cross-species retina research. Visual Neuroscience. Retrieved from https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/8CCE984027CDBEF2AFB6A2807C30157C/S0952523821000171a.pdf/div-class-title-debruyn-and-casagrande-manuscripts-on-tree-shrew-retinal-ganglion-cells-as-a-basis-for-cross-species-retina-research-div.pdf.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000B-FBED-0
The purpose of this brief communication is to make publicly available three unpublished manuscripts on the organization of retinal ganglion cells in the tree shrew. The manuscripts were authored in 1986 by Dr. Edward DeBruyn, a PhD student in the laboratory of the late Dr. Vivien Casagrande at Vanderbilt University. As diurnal animals closely related to primates, tree shrews are ideally suited for comparative analyses of visual structures including the retina. We hope that providing this basic information in a citable form inspires other groups to pursue further characterization of the tree shrew retina using modern techniques.