Ziebritzki, Catharina Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Max Planck Society;
https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/9783845298603-283/chapter-9-the-objective-of-resettlement-in-an-eu-constitutional-perspective?page=1 (Publisher version)
The law between promises and constraints_2020_Ziebritzki.pdf (Publisher version), 304KB
Ziebritzki, C. (2020). The objective of resettlement in an EU constitutional perspective. In M.-C. Foblets, & L. Leboeuf (Eds.), Humanitarian Admission to Europe: the law between promises and constraints (1st edition, pp. 285-340). Baden-Baden; Oxford: Nomos; Hart Publishing. doi:10.5771/9783845298603-283.