Rampp, Markus Max Planck Computing and Data Facility, Max Planck Society;
Laure, Erwin Max Planck Computing and Data Facility, Max Planck Society;
Jiménez, D., Herrera-Mora, J., Rampp, M., Laure, E., & Meneses, E. (2022). Implementing a GPU-portable field line tracing application with OpenMP Offload. In P. Navaux, C. J. Barrios H., C. Osthoff, & G. Guerrero (Eds.), High Performance Computing: 9th Latin American Conference, CARLA 2022, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 26–30, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 31-46). Midtown Manhattan, New York City: Springer Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-23821-5_3.