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Development and Characterization of novel readout electronics for LEGEND


Henkes,  Florian
Max Planck Institute for Physics, Max Planck Society and Cooperation Partners;

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Henkes, F. (2022). Development and Characterization of novel readout electronics for LEGEND. Master Thesis, TU München, München.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000C-B557-6
The Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for 0νββ Decay ( LEGEND ) is a tonne-scale experimental program to search for neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay in the isotope 76 Ge with high-purity germanium ( HPGe ) detectors operated in liquid argon ( LAr ). The experiment aims to reach signal discovery 0ν potential at half lifes greater than T 1/2 > 10 28 yr which corresponds to effective neutrino masses of < 20 meV and would fully cover the inverted ordering of neutrinos. The experiment employs a two-staged approach with LEGEND -200 being the first phase located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso ( LNGS ) with up to 200 kg of 76 Ge and LEGEND -1000, the second phase with up to 1000 kg and targeted total exposure of 10 t yr. One of the major challenges for low-background experiments with HPGe detect- ors is sensitive and reliable readout electronics which encompasses a compromise between low electronic noise for best energy resolution and low background contribution. Regarding LEGEND -200, the signal readout electronics has been investigated in two research stays at the LNGS during summer and autumn of 2021. The measurements performed in this thesis demonstrate the functionality of key components such as the CSA and present optimizations of the signal readout chain with respect to signal integrity and pulse shape as well as electronic noise present in the setup. In addition, the first detectors operated in LEGEND -200 have been commissioned and their data analyzed with particular focus on the electronic performance. For LEGEND -1000, the