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Regioselective Derivatization of Silylated [20]Silafulleranes


Bursch,  Markus
Research Department Neese, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society;

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Bamberg, M., Gasevic, T., Bolte, M., Virovets, A., Lerner, H.-W., Grimme, S., et al. (2023). Regioselective Derivatization of Silylated [20]Silafulleranes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(20), 11440-11448. doi:10.1021/jacs.3c03270.

Silafulleranes with endohedral Cl ions are a unique, scarcely explored class of structurally well-defined silicon clusters and host-guest complexes. Herein, we report regioselective derivatization reactions on the siladodecahedrane [nBu4N][Cl@Si20(SiCl3)12Cl8] ([nBu4N][1]), which has its cluster surface decorated with 12 SiCl3 and 8 Cl substituents in perfect Th symmetry. The room-temperature reaction of [nBu4N][1] with excess iBu2AlH in ortho-difluorobenzene (oDFB) furnishes perhydrogenated [nBu4N][Cl@Si20(SiH3)12H8] ([nBu4N][2]) in 50% yield; the non-pyrophoric [2] is the largest structurally authenticated (by X-ray diffraction) hydridosilane known to date. A simple switch from pure oDFB to an oDFB/Et2O solvent mixture suppresses core hydrogenation and results in the formation of [nBu4N][Cl@Si20(SiH3)12Cl8] ([nBu4N][3]). In addition to the exhaustive Cl/H exchange at all 44 Si–Cl bonds of [1] and the regioselective 36-fold silyl group hydrogenation, we achieved the simultaneous introduction of Me substituents at all 8 SiCl vertices along with the conversion of all 12 SiCl3 to SiH3 groups by treating [nBu4N][1] with Me2AlH/Me3Al in oDFB ([nBu4N][Cl@Si20(SiH3)12Me8], [nBu4N][4]; 73%). Quantum-chemical free-energy calculations find an SN2-Si-type hydrogenation of the exohedral SiCl3 moieties in [1] (trigonal-bipyramidal intermediate) slightly preferred over metathesis-like SNi-Si substitutions (four-membered transition state). Cage hydrogenation likely occurs via SNi-Si processes. The experimentally demonstrated influence of an Et2O co-solvent, which drastically increases the respective reaction barriers, is attributed to the increased stability of the resulting iBu2AlH-OEt2 adduct and its higher steric bulk compared to free iBu2AlH.