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Journal Article

Nicotine promotes e-cigarette vapour-induced lung inflammation and structural alterations


Seeger,  Werner
Lung Development and Remodeling, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Max Planck Society;

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Roxlau, E. T., Pak, O., Hadzic, S., Garcia-Castro, C. F., Gredic, M., Wu, C.-Y., et al. (2023). Nicotine promotes e-cigarette vapour-induced lung inflammation and structural alterations. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, 61(6): 2200951. doi:10.1183/13993003.00951-2022.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000D-7EBC-3
Background Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) vapour is gaining popularity as an alternative to tobacco smoking and can induce acute lung injury. However, the specific role of nicotine in e-cigarette vapour and its long-term effects on the airways, lung parenchyma and vasculature remain unclear.Results In vitro exposure to nicotine-containing e-cigarette vapour extract (ECVE) or to nicotine-free e-cigarette vapour extract (NF ECVE) induced changes in gene expression of epithelial cells and pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs), but ECVE in particular caused functional alterations (e.g. a decrease in human and mouse PASMC proliferation by 29.3 & PLUSMN;5.3% and 44.3 & PLUSMN;8.4%, respectively). Additionally, acute inhalation of nicotine-containing e-cigarette vapour (ECV) but not nicotine-free e-cigarette vapour (NF ECV) increased pulmonary endothelial permeability in isolated lungs. Long-term in vivo exposure of mice to ECV for 8 months significantly increased the number of inflammatory cells, in particular lymphocytes, compared to control and NF ECV in the bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF) (ECV: 853.4 & PLUSMN;150.8 cells & BULL;mL-1; control: 37.0 & PLUSMN;21.1 cells & BULL;mL-1; NF ECV: 198.6 & PLUSMN;94.9 cells & BULL;mL-1) and in lung tissue (ECV: 25.7 & PLUSMN;3.3 cells & BULL;mm-3; control: 4.8 & PLUSMN;1.1 cells & BULL;mm-3; NF ECV: 14.1 & PLUSMN;2.2 cells & BULL;mm-3). BALF cytokines were predominantly increased by ECV. Moreover, ECV caused significant changes in lung structure and function (e.g. increase in airspace by 17.5 & PLUSMN;1.4% compared to control), similar to mild tobacco smoke-induced alterations, which also could be detected in the NF ECV group, albeit to a lesser degree. In contrast, the pulmonary vasculature was not significantly affected by ECV or NF ECV.Conclusions NF ECV components induce cell type-specific effects and mild pulmonary alterations, while inclusion of nicotine induces significant endothelial damage, inflammation and parenchymal alterations.