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Coulomb-correlated electron number states in a transmission electron microscope beam


Haindl,  Rudolf
Department of Ultrafast Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Feist,  Armin
Department of Ultrafast Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Domröse,  Till
Department of Ultrafast Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Möller,  Marcel
Department of Ultrafast Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Gaida,  John H.
Department of Ultrafast Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Yalunin,  Sergey V.
Department of Ultrafast Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Ropers,  Claus       
Department of Ultrafast Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Max Planck Society;

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Haindl, R., Feist, A., Domröse, T., Möller, M., Gaida, J. H., Yalunin, S. V., et al. (2023). Coulomb-correlated electron number states in a transmission electron microscope beam. Nature Physics, 19, 1410-1417. doi:10.1038/s41567-023-02067-7.

While correlated electrons are at the heart of many phenomena in condensed matter, as well as atomic and molecular physics, Coulomb interactions in free-electron beams are generally considered detrimental. Here, we demonstrate the generation of Coulomb-correlated pair, triple and quadruple states of free electrons by femtosecond photoemission from a nanoscale field emitter inside a transmission electron microscope. Event-based electron spectroscopy allows the spatial and spectral characterization of the electron ensemble emitted by each laser pulse. We identify distinctive energy and momentum correlations arising from acceleration-enhanced interparticle energy exchange, revealing strong few-body Coulomb interactions at an energy scale of 2 eV. State-sorted beam caustics show a discrete increase in virtual source size and longitudinal source shift for few-electron states, associated with transverse momentum correlations. We observe field-controllable electron antibunching, attributed primarily to transverse Coulomb deflection. The pronounced spatial and spectral characteristics of these electron number states allow filtering schemes that control the statistical distribution of the pulse charge. In this way, the fraction of specific few-electron states can be actively suppressed or enhanced, facilitating the preparation of highly non-Poissonian electron beams for microscopy and lithography, including future heralding schemes and correlated multi-electron probing.