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Long Spin-Relaxation Times in a Transition-Metal Atom in Direct Contact to a Metal Substrate


Ternes,  M.
Max Planck Society;

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Hermenau, J., Ternes, M., Steinbrecher, M., Wiesendanger, R., & Wiebe, J. (2018). Long Spin-Relaxation Times in a Transition-Metal Atom in Direct Contact to a Metal Substrate. Nano Letters, 18(3), 1978-1983.

Long spin relaxation times are a prerequisite for the use of spins in data storage or nanospintronics technologies. An atomic-scale solid-state realization of such a system is the spin of a transition metal atom adsorbed on a suitable substrate. For the case of a metallic substrate, which enables directly addressing the spin by conduction electrons, the experimentally measured lifetimes reported to date are on the order of only hundreds of femtoseconds. Here, we show that the spin states of iron atoms adsorbed directly on a conductive platinum substrate have an astonishingly long spin relaxation time in the nanosecond regime, which is comparable to that of a transition metal atom decoupled from the substrate electrons by a thin decoupling layer. The combination of long spin relaxation times and strong coupling to conduction electrons implies the possibility to use flexible coupling schemes in order to process the spin-information.