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Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Properties of M(NCS)2-3-aminomethylpyridine Coordination Compounds (M = Cd, Zn)


Dinnebier,  R. E.
Scientific Facility X-Ray Diffraction (Robert E. Dinnebier), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;

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Neumann, T., Germann, L., Moudrakovski, I., Dinnebier, R. E., Cunha, C., Terraschke, H., et al. (2017). Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Properties of M(NCS)2-3-aminomethylpyridine Coordination Compounds (M = Cd, Zn). Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 643(23), 1904-1912.

Reaction of Cd(NCS)(2) or Zn(NCS)(2) with 3-aminomethylpyridine (3-AMPy) leads to the formation of five compounds with the compositions [Cd(NCS)(2)(3-AMPy)(2)<bold></bold>(3-AMPy)](n) (1-Cd), [M(NCS)(2)(3-AMPy)(2)](n) [M = Cd (2-Cd), Zn (2-Zn)] [Cd(NCS)(2)(3-AMPy)](n) (3-Cd), and [Zn(NCS)(2)(3-AMPy)](2) (3-Zn). In 1-Cd the Cd cations are linked by the 3-AMPy ligands into layers that consist of rings, built up of four Cd cations and four 3-AMPy ligands. These layers are stacked to form channels, in which the 3-AMPy solvate molecules are located. In the isotypic compounds 2-Cd and 2-Zn the metal cations are also linked into layers by the 3-AMPy ligands with an identical layer topology as that in 1-Cd, but a completely different conformation of the 3-AMPy ligand. In the most 3-AMPy deficient compound 3-Cd, the Cd cations are linked by -1,3-bridging thiocyanate anions and 3-AMPy ligands into chains, that are further connected into layers by additional anionic ligands. In 3-Zn two Zn cations are linked by pairs of 3-AMPy ligands into discrete dimers. Thermoanalysis and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) investigations show that upon heating 1-Cd transforms into 2-Cd and 2-Zn into 3-Zn. The compounds 2-Cd, 3-Cd, 2-Zn, and 3-Zn present ligand-based luminescence in the blue-green spectral range with maxima between 21276 and 21795 cm(-1).