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Quantum wetting transitions in two dimensions: An alternative path to non-universal interfacial singularities


Jakubczyk,  P.
Max Planck Society;

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Jakubczyk, P., Napiorkowski, M., & Benitez, F. (2015). Quantum wetting transitions in two dimensions: An alternative path to non-universal interfacial singularities. Europhysics Letters, 110(1): 16002.

We consider two-dimensional (d = 2) systems with short-ranged microscopic interactions, where interface unbinding (wetting) transitions occur in the limit of vanishing temperature T. For T = 0 the transition is characterized by non-universal critical properties analogous to those established for thermal wetting transitions in d = 3, albeit with a redefined capillary parameter (omega) over tilde. Within a functional renormalization-group treatment of an effective interfacial model, we compute the finite-temperature phase diagram, exhibiting a line of interface unbinding transitions, terminating at T = 0 with an interfacial quantum-critical point. We identify distinct scaling regimes, reflecting the interplay between quantum and thermal interfacial fluctuations. A crossover line marking the onset of the quantum-critical regime is described by the d = 3 interfacial correlation-length exponent nu(parallel to). This potentially opens another way to investigate the non-universal character of nu(parallel to). On the other hand, the emergent interfacial quantum-critical regime shows no signatures of non-universality. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2015