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Journal Article

Enhanced lithium storage and chemical diffusion in metal-LiF nanocomposites: Experimental and theoretical results


Zhukovskii,  Y. F.
Department Physical Chemistry of Solids (Joachim Maier), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;


Balaya,  P.
Department Physical Chemistry of Solids (Joachim Maier), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;


Dolle,  M.
Department Physical Chemistry of Solids (Joachim Maier), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;


Kotomin,  E. A.
Department Physical Chemistry of Solids (Joachim Maier), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;


Maier,  J.
Department Physical Chemistry of Solids (Joachim Maier), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;

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Zhukovskii, Y. F., Balaya, P., Dolle, M., Kotomin, E. A., & Maier, J. (2007). Enhanced lithium storage and chemical diffusion in metal-LiF nanocomposites: Experimental and theoretical results. Physical Review B, 76(23): 235414.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000E-B6DB-E
An extra storage of Li has been observed experimentally at low potential in Me/LiF nanocomposites (where Me refers to transition metals such as Cu, Co, etc.), with a pseudocapacitive behavior characterized by a high rate performance. To understand the mechanistic details of the lithium storage anomaly, we have performed comparative ab initio calculations on the atomic and electronic structure of the nonpolar Cu/LiF(001) and model Li/LiF(001) interfaces. For this aim, we inserted extra Li atoms at several possible sites of the periodic two-dimensional Me/LiF (Me=Cu,Li) interfaces. The energetically most favorable site for extra Li atom is above the surface F- ion with Cu atoms on the other side of the interface, atop the surface Li+ ions. An increase of the inserted Li atom concentration in the Cu/LiF interface is accompanied by an increase of the electron charge transfer from extra Li atoms toward the transition metal adlayers, in agreement with a recently proposed mechanism of interfacial charge storage. This is supported by an analysis of the densities of states projected on different atoms including extra Li, as a function of inserted Li concentration. The Cu/LiF(001) interface permits an insertion of only one monolayer of extra Li atoms, unlike Li bilayer in the case of Ti/Li2O(111). Diffusion of the excess Li along the interface is found to be accelerated, owing to the splitting of the individual pathways for Li+ and e(-), which explains a high rate performance observed experimentally at low potential. We also compare theoretical estimate and experimental capacity results in the Cu/LiF nanocomposite.