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Journal Article

Multiple magnetic transitions and magnon gaplike characteristics in the high purity TbB4 single crystal


Rhyee,  J. S.
Scientific Facility Crystal Growth (Masahiko Isobe), Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Max Planck Society;

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Rhyee, J. S., Kim, J. Y., & Cho, B. K. (2007). Multiple magnetic transitions and magnon gaplike characteristics in the high purity TbB4 single crystal. Journal of Applied Physics, 101(9): 09D509.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000E-B705-E
We synthesized the high purity TbB4 single crystal, which shows quite low resistivity at T=2 K, rho(T=2 K)=0.0397 mu Omega cm, resulting in a high residual resistivity ratio RRR equivalent to rho(300 K)/rho(2 K)=361.9. Because of the geometry of the grown single crystals, temperature-dependent magnetization M(T) was measured with applied magnetic field parallel to (010) and (111) planes. M(T) was found to be anisotropic at high temperature and revealed two magnetic transitions: one is antiferromagnetic transition at T-N=44 K and the other one at T-m approximate to 23 K for both field orientations. These transitions were also manifested by the slope change of temperature-dependent resistivity, i.e., d rho(T)/dT. The second transition temperature T-m was found to decrease and the transition width broadened with increasing applied magnetic field, indicating that the transition at T-m is suppressed by applied magnetic field. The Fermi liquid and antiferromagnetic (AF) magnon gaplike increase of rho(T) was found at low temperatures of T <= 20 K. The AF magnon gap Delta=15.6 K at H=0 T was also found to decrease with applying magnetic fields. We will discuss the origin of the second transition T-m in terms of the interaction between magnetic and quadrupolar orbital fluctuations.