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Journal Article

Magnus effect on a Majorana zero mode

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Lemut, G., Pacholski, M. J., Plugge, S., Beenakker, C. W. J., & Adagideli, I. (2023). Magnus effect on a Majorana zero mode. Physical Review B, 107(20): 205420. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.107.205420.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000D-DB95-4
A supercurrent on the proximitized surface of a topological insulator can cause a delocalization transition of a Majorana fermion bound to a vortex core as a zero mode. Here we study the dynamics of the deconfinement, as a manifestation of the Magnus effect (the coupling of the superflow to the velocity field in the vortex). The initial acceleration of the Majorana fermion is +/- 2v(F)(2)K/h, perpendicular to the Cooper pair momentum K, for a +/- 2 pi winding of the superconducting phase around the vortex. The quasiparticle escapes with a constant velocity from the vortex core, which we calculate in a semiclassical approximation and compare with computer simulations.