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Journal Article

Differential accumulation of oocyte nuclear proteins by embryonic nuclei of Xenopus


Dreyer,  C
Department Cell Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Dreyer, C. (1987). Differential accumulation of oocyte nuclear proteins by embryonic nuclei of Xenopus. Development, 101(4), 829-846. doi:10.1242/dev.101.4.829.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000D-DD04-6
Oocyte nuclear proteins of Xenopus are distributed into the cytoplasm of the maturing egg after germinal vesicle breakdown. Later they are found in all cell nuclei of the embryo. At early stages of development, different nuclear proteins behave differently. A class of 'early shifting' antigens is accumulated by pronuclei and cleavage nuclei, whereas others appear to be excluded from the nuclei at early stages but are shifted into the nuclei at blastula or during and after gastrulation. Accumulation of 'late-shifting' nuclear antigens is a gradual process and occurs during a period characteristic of each protein. Multiple artificial pronuclei can be formed after injection of sperm nuclei, erythrocyte nuclei or pure lambda-DNA into unfertilized eggs. The artificial pronuclei accumulate early- but not late-shifting proteins. Early-migrating proteins rapidly accumulate into the germinal vesicle after de novo synthesis in the oocyte, indicating that the efficiency of translocation into nuclei is an intrinsic property of each protein. Artificial extension of the length of the cell cycle before midblastula transition does not lead to accumulation of the late-shifting nuclear antigens investigated.