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The adsorption of N2: Chemisorbed on Ni(110) and physisorbed on Pd(111)

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Horn, K., Dinardo, J., Eberhardt, W., Freund, H.-J., & Plummer, E. (1982). The adsorption of N2: Chemisorbed on Ni(110) and physisorbed on Pd(111). Surface Science, 118(3), 465-495. doi:10.1016/0039-6028(82)90200-X.

The bonding of molecular N2 has been investigated with angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and inelastic electron scattering. The spectra obtained from N2 chemisorbed onto a Ni(110) surface are compared to CO chemisorbed onto Ni(110) and to N2 physisorbed onto Pd(111). The N2 molecular axis was found to be normal to the crystal surface for the chemisorbed state on Ni(110) and random for the physisorbed state on Pd(111). The N-N and Ni-N2 stretching frequecies indicate that the N2 molecule is terminally bonded to a single Ni atom on Ni(110). The binding energies of the two outer σ states and one π state of chemisorbed N2 were measured, indicating that the bonding of N2 to a metal surface is different than CO. Both σ states drop in energy compared to the π level due to the fact that both of them are involved in the N2 substrate bond. The symmetry of the gas phase N2 molecule is reduced upon adsorption. The consequences of this are seen in the dipole active N-N vibrational mode, the large intensity of the Ni-N2 vibrational mode and the coupling of the adsorbate 4σ(2σu) level to the final state resonance which is forbidden by symmetry in the gas phase. Many electron excitation satellite lines are observed in the valence spectra of both the chemisorbed and physisorbed N2. The physisorbed satellite lines are nearly identical to those seen in gas phase N2, while the chemisorbed N2 spectra has new satellite structure, due to the interaction with the substrate.