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Journal Article

Instantons and L-space surgeries


Sivek,  Steven       
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Max Planck Society;

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Baldwin, J. A., & Sivek, S. (2023). Instantons and L-space surgeries. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 25(10), 4033-4122. doi:10.4171/JEMS/1280.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000D-E5FF-2
We prove that instanton L-space knots are fibered and strongly quasipositive. Our proof differs conceptually from proofs of the analogous result in Heegaard Floer homology, and includes a new decomposition theorem for cobordism maps in framed instanton Floer homology akin to the $\textrm{Spin}^c$ decompositions of cobordism maps in other Floer homology theories. As our main application, we prove (modulo a mild nondegeneracy condition) that for $r$ a positive rational >number and $K$ a nontrivial knot in the $3$-sphere, there exists an irreducible homomorphism \[\pi_1(S^3_r(K)) \to SU(2)\] unless $r \geq 2g(K)-1$ and $K$ is both fibered and strongly quasipositive, broadly generalizing results of Kronheimer and Mrowka. We also answer a question of theirs from 2004, proving that there is always an irreducible homomorphism from the fundamental group of 4-surgery on a nontrivial knot to $SU(2)$. In another application, we show that a slight enhancement of the A-polynomial detects infinitely many torus knots, including the trefoil.