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Journal Article

Observation of the decays B(s)0 → Ds1(2536)K±


Schmelling,  M.       
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Zavertyaev,  M.       
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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LHCb Collaboration, Aaij, R., Abdelmotteleb, A., Abellan Beteta, C., Abudinén, F., Ackernley, T., et al. (2023). Observation of the decays B(s)0 → Ds1(2536)K±. Journal of high energy physics: JHEP, 2023: 106. doi:10.1007/JHEP10(2023)106.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000D-F024-B
This paper reports the observation of the decays B(s)0 → Ds1(2536)K± using proton-proton collision data collected by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an inte-grated luminosity of 9 fb−1. The branching fractions of these decays are measured relative to the normalisation channel B0 → D0K+K. The Ds1(2536)− meson is reconstructed in the D(2007)0K decay channel and the products of branching fractions are measured to be B(Bs0 → Ds1(2536)K±) × B(Ds1(2536) → D(2007)0K) = (2.49 ± 0.11 ± 0.12 ± 0.25 ± 0.06) × 10−5, B(B0 → Ds1(2536)K±) × B(Ds1(2536) → D(2007)0K) = (0.510 ± 0.021 ± 0.036 ± 0.050) × 10−5. The first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic, and the third arises from the uncertainty of the branching fraction of the B0 → D0K+K normalisation channel. The last uncertainty in the Bs0 result is due to the limited knowledge of the fragmentation fraction ratio, fs/fd. The significance for the Bs0 and B0 signals is larger than 10 σ. The ratio of the helicity amplitudes which governs the angular distribution of the Ds1(2536) → D(2007)0K decay is determined from the data. The ratio of the S- and D-wave amplitudes is found to be 1.11 ± 0.15 ± 0.06 and the phase difference between them 0.70 ± 0.09 ± 0.04 rad, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.