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CaCu3Mn2Te2O12: An Intrinsic Ferrimagnetic Insulator Prepared Under High Pressure


Hu,  Zhiwei
Zhiwei Hu, Physics of Correlated Matter, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max Planck Society;

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Zhao, H., Bai, Y., Yin, K., Wang, X., Liu, Z., Ye, X., et al. (2023). CaCu3Mn2Te2O12: An Intrinsic Ferrimagnetic Insulator Prepared Under High Pressure. Inorganic Chemistry, 62(51), 21233-21239. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c03288.

CaCu3Mn2Te2O12 was synthesized using high-temperature and high-pressure conditions. The compound possesses an A- and B site ordered quadruple perovskite structure in Pn3̅ symmetry with the charge combination of CaCu32+Mn22+Te26+O12. A ferrimagnetic phase transition originating from the antiferromagnetic interaction between A′ site Cu2+ and B site Mn2+ ions is found to occur at TC ≈ 100 K. CaCu3Mn2Te2O12 also shows insulating electric conductivity. Optical measurement demonstrates the energy bandgap to be about 1.9 eV, in agreement with the high B site degree of chemical order between Mn2+ and Te6+. The first-principles theoretical calculations confirm the Cu2+(↓)-Mn2+(↑) ferrimagnetic coupling as well as the insulating nature with an up-spin direct bandgap. The current CaCu3Mn2Te2O12 provides an intriguing example of an intrinsic ferrimagnetic insulator with promising applications in advanced spintronic devices. © 2023 American Chemical Society.