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Correlating Structure with Spectroscopy in Ascorbate Peroxidase Compound II


Ansari,  Mursaleem
Research Group Pantazis, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society;


Bhattacharjee,  Sinjini
Research Department Neese, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society;


Pantazis,  Dimitrios A.
Research Group Pantazis, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society;

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Ansari, M., Bhattacharjee, S., & Pantazis, D. A. (2024). Correlating Structure with Spectroscopy in Ascorbate Peroxidase Compound II. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(14), 9640-9656. doi:10.1021/jacs.3c13169.

Structural and spectroscopic investigations of compound II in ascorbate peroxidase (APX) have yielded conflicting conclusions regarding the protonation state of the crucial Fe(IV) intermediate. Neutron diffraction and crystallographic data support an iron(IV)-hydroxo formulation, whereas Mössbauer, X-ray absorption (XAS), and nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) studies appear consistent with an iron(IV)-oxo species. Here we examine APX with spectroscopy-oriented QM/MM calculations and extensive exploration of the conformational space for both possible formulations of compound II. We establish that irrespective of variations in the orientation of a vicinal arginine residue and potential reorganization of proximal water molecules and hydrogen bonding, the Fe–O distances for the oxo and hydroxo forms consistently fall within distinct, narrow, and nonoverlapping ranges. The accuracy of geometric parameters is validated by coupled-cluster calculations with the domain-based local pair natural orbital approach, DLPNO-CCSD(T). QM/MM calculations of spectroscopic properties are conducted for all structural variants, encompassing Mössbauer, optical, X-ray absorption, and X-ray emission spectroscopies and NRVS. All spectroscopic observations can be assigned uniquely to an Fe(IV)═O form. A terminal hydroxy group cannot be reconciled with the spectroscopic data. Under no conditions can the Fe(IV)═O distance be sufficiently elongated to approach the crystallographically reported Fe–O distance. The latter is consistent only with a hydroxo species, either Fe(IV) or Fe(III). Our findings strongly support the Fe(IV)═O formulation of APX-II and highlight unresolved discrepancies in the nature of samples used across different experimental studies.