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ProFit-1D for quantifying J-difference edited data at 3T


Borbath,  T       
Research Group MR Spectroscopy and Ultra-High Field Methodology, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;


Henning,  A       
Research Group MR Spectroscopy and Ultra-High Field Methodology, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Max Planck Society;

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Chan, K., Borbath, T., Sherlock, S., Maher, E., Patel, T., & Henning, A. (2024). ProFit-1D for quantifying J-difference edited data at 3T. Poster presented at ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition 2024, Singapore.

Motivation: Reproducible and accurate fitting of the MR spectrum is critical in estimating metabolite concentrations. We have previously developed a fitting software called ProFit-1D which was shown to fit 9.4T sLASER data from the human brain with high accuracy and precision. Goal(s): Here, ProFit-1D was optimized for fitting 3T J-difference edited data. Approach: ProFit-1D was evaluated for accuracy and precision in simulated and in vivo 2HG-edited and GABA- edited data and compared to that of Gannet and LCModel Results: ProFit-1D was found to be more accurate than LCModel in fitting the GABA-edited and 2HG-edited data and more precise than Gannet in fitting the GABA-edited spectra. Impact: Here, we show that ProFit-1D produces more accurate measurements than LCModel and more precise measurements than Gannet in simulated and in vivo spectra from tumors and healthy participants. ProFit-1D is a promising fitting software with high clinical applicability.