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Journal Article

The role of answer content and length when preparing answers to questions


Corps,  Ruth E.
University of Sheffield;
University of Edinburgh;
Psychology of Language Department, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Max Planck Society;

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Corps, R. E., & Pickering, M. (2024). The role of answer content and length when preparing answers to questions. Scientific Reports, 14: 17110. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-68253-6.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000F-99AC-3
Research suggests that interlocutors manage the timing demands of conversation by preparing what they want to say early. In three experiments, we used a verbal question-answering task to investigate what aspects of their response speakers prepare early. In all three experiments, participants answered more quickly when the critical content (here, barks) necessary for answer preparation occurred early (e.g., Which animal barks and is also a common household pet?) rather than late (e.g., Which animal is a common household pet and also barks?). In the individual experiments, we found no convincing evidence that participants were slower to produce longer answers, consisting of multiple words, than shorter answers, consisting of a single word. There was also no interaction between these two factors. A combined analysis of the first two experiments confirmed this lack of interaction, and demonstrated that participants were faster to answer questions when the critical content was available early rather than late and when the answer was short rather than long. These findings provide tentative evidence for an account in which interlocutors prepare the content of their answer as soon as they can, but sometimes do not prepare its length (and thus form) until they are ready to speak.