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Journal Article

Observation of New Charmonium or Charmoniumlike States in B+ → DDK+ Decays


Schmelling,  M.       
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Zavertyaev,  M.       
Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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LHCb Collaboration, Aaij, R., Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W., Abellan Beteta, C., Abudinén, F., Ackernley, T., et al. (2024). Observation of New Charmonium or Charmoniumlike States in B+ → DDK+ Decays. Physical Review Letters, 133(13): 131902. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.131902.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000F-E56A-8
A study of resonant structures in B+→D*+⁢D⁢K+ and B+→D*−⁢D+⁢K+ decays is performed, using proton-proton collision data at center-of-mass energies of √s=7, 8, and 13 TeV recorded by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9  fb−1. A simultaneous amplitude fit is performed to the two channels with contributions from resonances decaying to D*−⁢D+ and D*+⁢D states linked by C parity. This procedure allows the C parities of resonances in the D⁢D mass spectra to be determined. Four charmonium or charmoniumlike states are observed decaying into D⁢D: nc⁡(3945), hc⁡(4000), Xc⁢1⁡(4010), and hc⁡(4300), with quantum numbers JP⁢C equal to 0−+, 1+−, 1++, and 1+−, respectively. At least three of these states have not been observed previously. In addition, the existence of the TCS0*⁢(2870)0 and TCS1*⁢(2900)0 resonances in the D⁢K+ mass spectrum, already observed in the B+→D+⁢D⁢K+ decay, is confirmed in a different production channel.