Conservation measures require accurate estimates of density and abundance and population trend assessments. The bonobo (Pan paniscus) is considered Endangered in the IUCN Red List. This classification assumes that available population data are representative. However, with only 30% of the bonobo’s historic geographical range surveyed, reliable information is needed to assess the species' population status. Here, we use information from 13 surveys conducted between 2002 and 2018 in an area of 42,000 km2, representing ~27% of bonobo-suitable habitat: Salonga National Park and its corridor, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Using 8310 km of reconnaissance and transect walks and 27,045 days of camera trapping, we: (1) provide updated estimates of bonobo population density and distribution (42,000 km2; ~5,000 km2 of which, to the best of our knowledge, have not been surveyed before by scientists), (2) assess population trends (15,758 km2; 2002–2008 vs 2012–2018), (3) compare estimates obtained with different methods, and (4) assess the factors driving bonobo density and distribution. Although we detected a non-significant population decline, our study suggests that Salonga is a bonobo stronghold, with a population ranging between 8244 and 18,308 mature individuals (density: 0.31 individuals/km2). Standing crop nest counts returned non-significantly lower density estimates than camera trap distance sampling. Nest count-estimates were higher in areas with Marantaceae understorey and those farther away from rivers, while camera trap-estimates were higher in areas with lower human presence. Regardless of the method, bonobos were rarer in proximity to villages. They occurred more often in areas of dense forest cover and in proximity to ranger posts. Our results point towards a declining bonobo population in Salonga, but do not provide sufficient evidence to confirm this statistically. Consequently, the continued monitoring of the bonobo population and preservation of the integrity of Salonga, considering its biological and cultural heritage, will be crucial in the preservation of this stronghold of wild bonobos.