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Journal Article

Casting the Landscapes. Le mediazioni del paesaggio


Giordana,  Malvina       
Abteilung Michalsky, Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Max Planck Society;

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Giordana, M. (2024). Casting the Landscapes. Le mediazioni del paesaggio. Orizzonti del paesaggio. Sguardi e discorsi sulla cultra visuale italiana contemporanea, 20, 23-33.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0010-812A-D
This article aims to bring media theory, visual culture and human geography into dialogue with regard to a possible media history of landscape.
The article highlights the operational nature of landscape representations since European modernity onwards, in order to demonstrate how a media history of landscape might contribute to an understanding of contemporary mediascapes, hybrid environments that are conceived as 'natural'. Based on the assumption that landscape images, starting with pictorial ones, can be studied as operational configurations within cultural processes (Mitchell), the article aims to reflect on landscape operations through which geographical reality has been semanticized as an environment for the beholder, producing 'world views'. As a case study, the article analyses Davide Rapp's virtual reality project Montegelato VR. By creating an environment in which geographical reality, cinematic language and immersive digital technology collaborate, this work can itself be conceived as a possible method of media archaeological investigation through landscape.